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Katie Connelly (She/Her)

State: New Hampshire

Chronic Conditions: Crohn's Disease, Adenomyosis, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Crohn's Disease has been my main diagnosis since I was 10 years old, and I am now 29. My life's path definitely took some detours due to the severity of my disease leading me to not start high school until I was 17. I was diagnosed later on in my adult years with CPTSD along with Complex Perianal Crohns. The adenomyosis is my most recent diagnosis accessory (sarcasm is my love language to make it through the hard days).

I never felt like there was another person with my severity of Crohn's Disease when I was younger, so I have created my social media platforms to help with bring together that community. The medical system also has alot of improvements that can be made, and I want to bring a voice to how it has affected me and other patients.

Read my article in Thought Catolog here and feel free to visit my blog here.