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Supporting the FIND Act: Helping Patients Get the Best Care

At the Chronic Disease Coalition, we know many people with chronic diseases struggle to get a formal diagnosis. In a recent nationwide survey we conducted of over 1,000 individuals with chronic diseases, 33% of respondents said they found it challenging to obtain a diagnosis. Delayed diagnoses can delay treatment and impact long-term health outcomes for millions of patients.

Nuclear medicine scans, like PET scans, are crucial tools for early diagnosis and better treatment planning. However, many patients can’t access these scans because Medicare doesn’t cover the full cost of the drugs needed for them.

What’s the Problem?

How the FIND Act Can Help

The FIND Act will ensure that Medicare pays fairly for drugs used in nuclear scans, giving patients better access to these tests and supporting doctors and hospitals. It will also encourage innovation and help save money by enabling earlier diagnosis and treatment. The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) is leading the charge in advocating for this important legislation, and you can help by using SNMMI’s platform to email your Representatives and Senators and ask them to support the FIND Act.

To learn more, review SNMMI's FIND Act Fact Sheet or watch this informative video to better understand how the FIND Act will benefit patients.