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July is a special time for the Chronic Disease Coalition as it marks the annual observation of Chronic Disease Month. While we advocate for patients and their families all year round, July is the coalition’s time to really ramp up our voice and spread awareness of our mission to as many people as possible.

Here are the facts.

With more than 133 million Americans living with a chronic illness, it is almost certain that you are impacted by a chronic disease – either directly or through someone you know.

Our health care system is broken. We need patients and supporters alike to advocate for better policies that improve the lives of chronic disease patients.

That’s why we do what we do. To make our lives a little better each day. One bill, policy, legislator and patient at a time.

But we can’t do it alone. We need your help. Fortunately, advocating for the chronic community is easier than ever.

You can help make a real impact this month by simply engaging in one (or all!) of the actions below – without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

Send a Letter to your Legislators

Letting your legislators know July is Chronic Disease Month is a quick and easy way to engage in health care policy reform. Send a letter to your legislators using our VoterVoice tool and remember to include a personal story!

Create an “I Advocate Because…” Graphic

Utilize our new web tool to create your very own custom 'I advocate because...' digital graphic. Go the extra mile and share it on social tagging @ChronicRights with the hashtag #CDM22.

Share your Story

Sharing your health care story is one of the first steps in advocating for chronic rights. Join the dialogue and share your story with the Coalition to can help amplify the patient experience.

Become an Ambassador

Chronic Disease Coalition Ambassadors are engaged patient advocates who collaborate, support and advocate for patient rights across the nation. CDC Ambassadors receive early access to action items, help shape the Coalition's policy objectives and get expert support for their own state and federal issues.

Register for Chronic University

Every month the Coalition hosts a Chronic University session in order to create a dialogue with patients, providers and policymakers. Join us for a special CDM 22 session with legislators and advocates from across the country.

From us to you, happy Chronic Disease Month! Make today the day you join the fight for chronic rights.