Q: What does health equity mean to you?
A: To me, health equity means that everyone has access to quality medical treatment and care regardless of their race, gender, and income. Having access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right.
Q: What is one way you believe our healthcare system needs to be more equitable?
A: As a patient and advocate for diabetes, I often observe huge disparities in how health professionals treat diabetes. People within my diabetes community often talk about the lack of resources and care they received at the time of diagnosis. Consequently, these patients are more confused and frustrated than before their diagnosis. This is more prevalent in cases of type 2 diabetes. In my opinion, a more uniformed and patient-centered approach to diabetes is needed that includes quality diabetes education between the doctor and the patient, as well as resources to help these patients navigate the new diabetes journey.
Q: What's your #1 tip for advocating for better health equity?
A: One of my top tips for advocating for greater health equity is to do your research. Learn about the resources and programs available to those you serve. My advocacy efforts have included providing information and resources to people with diabetes on how to find food, government programs for insurance, patient medication programs for those who need help paying for medications, and diabetes support groups and counselors for those who require mental health support. I can help people who seek my assistance better by researching the resources that’s available.
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