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By Nathaniel Brown, director of advocacy

Hundreds of healthcare bills filed. Dozens of state legislatures open. Four weeks down, dozens to go.

Fortunately, because of the work the Chronic Disease Coalition did last year to define and adopt our 2023 policy platform, our direction is set. We know what policy proposals to look for and what to engage on now that sessions have gaveled in around the nation. After reviewing legislation around the country, we’re now actively tracking more than 25 bills in 14 states.

That list will continue to grow (likely exponentially) as legislative sessions progress, and then ultimately narrow as legislators decide where to focus their efforts.

Just one month into the new year, we’ve launched three different calls to action: Drug pricing in Oregon, improving affordability and coverage options in Virginia, and reforming prior authorization in the state of Washington. Thanks to our network for stepping up already!

New this year, we’ve launched a handy policy map that keeps track of the bills we’re engaged on and makes it easy for our advocates to take action. Visit the map, click on your state, and let us know if you want to join us in advocating for priority legislation.

The Chronic Disease Coalition is also closely monitoring the conversations in Washington, D.C. With a split Congress, the odds of big health care legislation passing both chambers becomes more complex. But rest assured, we’re still working to reform step therapy, expand Medigap, ban copay accumulators, improve patient choice, and more.

We couldn’t do this work without the support of our partners, advocates, and members. Thank you to those of you who have flagged bills, raised issues, and connected us with the right people in key states so we can do what we do best: Advocate for patients.

As sessions keep ramping up, we’d also like to extend our gratitude to all public servants who are giving their time and energy to improve outcomes for their constituents. Not every bill will pass, some might not even get a hearing; but we are certain this is going to be a year for big progress on behalf of patients.