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Note: We know that there are hundreds of products/services led by amazing chronic illness patients that are not on this list, we just don’t have the space to include them all. Please feel free to add your favorite small business in the comments below to give them visibility and keep the conversation going!

This holiday season, we are highlighting patients in a brand-new way by showing off their small businesses. At the CDC we believe in supporting patients in all endeavors, including their creative passions. Take a look at some of the products below that are perfect gifts for the patient in your life.

CHRONICALLY CHIC (@chronicallychic)

Beautiful and practical pill organizers made with the patient in mind.

COLOR BLIND ZEBRA (@colourblind_zebra)

Chronic illness & disability awareness stickers, buttons, pins and more!

Chronic Optimism Print Company (@chronicoptimismprintcompany)

Optimistic stickers for the chronically ill.

GRACE AND BRACE (@graceandbrace)

Designs with the goal of making all chronic illness fighters feel welcome, validated, and supported.

ABILITEE (@abiliteeadaptivewear)

Growing the conversation about disability, accessibility & inclusion — through the language of fashion.

SPOONIE SISTER SHOP (@spooniesistershop)

Empowering fellow spoonies to spread awareness of their chronic illnesses through cute, modern, comfy awareness apparel and gifts!

RANA 2.0 (@rana2.0)

Black Disabled Artist

INKD ILLNESS (@inkd.illness)

Disability Inclusive Line Art